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Melbourne Airport Rail survey - Understanding your business


By submitting information via this survey, you are consenting to your information being collected and used by Rail Projects Victoria (RPV) and disclosed to the Early Works Managing Contractor. If the information you have supplied relates to someone other than yourself, you are agreeing that you are authorised to give consent for that person.

By completing this survey, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to our Privacy Statement. If you do not wish to provide your consent, please exit the survey now.

If you would like to know more about Melbourne Airport Rail, or would like a Project representative to contact you directly, please call 1800 105 105 or provide your details via our website.

If you require a translator, please call: 03 9280 0700
1. Do you require the assistance of a translator?
3. Please provide the street address of your business / organisation 
4. Please provide the postal address, if different to the above street address
5. Who is the primary contact for this business?
6. Who is the primary after hours emergency contact for this business?
7. Who is the secondary after hours emergency contact for this business?
8. Are you the owner or the tenant of the property your business occupies?
9. What is the best method of contacting you and your business? Please select any that apply
10. What is the main service or product that your business specialises in? Please select the most appropriate response to your business
11. What are your days and hours of operation? Please include start and finish times
12. Are there any out of hours operations - including deliveries?
13. How many employees does your business / organisation have?
14. How do your employees travel to work?
15. Which of the following best describes how you do business with your customers? You can select more than one answer
16. Do you rely on customers being able to enter your business premises to operate your business?
17. How do customers generally access / travel to your business?
18. Are your customers generally residents and workers from the local area or have they travelled specifically for your business?
External to the area and travelled to business
19. Where do your staff and customers park?
21. Does your business make or receive large deliveries?
22. Does your business rely on loading zones to receive deliveries? 
23. Does your premises have rear access? Does this need to remain clear at particular times?
24. Is there any business critical equipment or machinery that may be sensitive to vibration, dust or noise, that we need to be aware of?

We may need to come back to you for further details on the equipment or machinery.
25. We may need to complete some night works. Would night works impact on your business operation?
26. The project will relocate utilities in the area to clear the construction corridor for Melbourne Airport Rail. Where possible, utility services will not be disrupted.

If disruptions are required, we will provide you with written notice in advance.

We would like to understand if any utilities are business-critical and the impact that may be caused by a temporary shutdown of the utility. Please indicate which utilities, if any, are critical to your business and provide information on the impact of a disruption.

Please contact us directly, via 1800 105 105 if you would like to discuss this further.
27. Is there anything in your business (e.g. products or services-related) that may be negatively impacted by nearby construction works?
28. Is there anything the Project could consider to minimise impacts to your business from construction?
29. Is this the only physical location from which you operate this business?
30. Are you a member of a business or trader's association?
31. How do you generally receive information about what is happening in your local area?
32. Would you be interested in attending an information session on Melbourne Airport Rail?

What day and time of day would best suit you to attend an information session?

Please also indicate if you prefer online information sessions.
34. Would you like us to contact you directly in the future?